Non Slip Glute Activation Resistance Bands
Resistance Bands
Great to add to your home or gym workouts. They are used to rapidly activate your glutes and engage your hips through an array of lower body exercises. Research has proven that resistance band exercises grow your muscles and tone them at the same time stimulating legs, glutes and hip complex to give the thigh and butt a more robust and sexy physique by creating a muscular, yet rounded shape. Hip bands are also very useful when coming back from sports injuries they are an effective rehabilitation aid to build back lost strength and power in your hams, glutes and quads, also
Training with resistance bands is easier on joints than When using weights. The bands come in several strengths, making them a perfect for all types of workouts helping you reach your goals. They're also fantastic for stretching and functional fitness in the morning or at night
Resistance Muscle Group
Burgundy X-Light Shoulders and Shines
pink Light Biceps and Triceps
green Medium Legs,Chest & Back
Blue Heavy Legs,Chest & Back
Black X-Heavy Legs,Chest & Back